it-1 p. 1268 Jehoiakim

The fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim (625 B.C.E.) saw Nebuchadnezzar defeat Pharaoh Necho in a battle over the domination of Syria-Palestine. The battle took place at Carchemish by the Euphrates, over 600 km (370 mi) N of Jerusalem. (Jer 46:1, 2) In that same year Jeremiah began dictating to his secretary Baruch the words Jehovah directed against Israel, Judah, and all the nations, recording messages that had begun to be delivered from the 13th year of Josiah’s reign (at which time Jehoiakim had been about six years old) onward. Nearly a year later, in the ninth lunar month (Chislev, November/December), the scroll containing the dictated message was read before King Jehoiakim.


Daniel 1:1 speaks about the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership. You say this 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership was his 11th year of rulership. By this logic, the 4th year of Jehoiakim never existed and the battle of Carchemish never took place. It would also mean that Nebuchadnezzar never defeated Pharoah Necho. It would mean Jehoiakim was still a vassal of Egypt and that he never became a VASSAL OF BABYLON.

jr chap. 2 p. 19 Serving in “the Final Part of the Days”

[Chart on page 19]


You have 628 BCE in two places - click on the above link 'Pictures', see Picture no 1.

jr chap. 2 p. 15 par. 3 Serving in “the Final Part of the Days”

Jeremiah likely dictated his account to a secretary in the latter part of his prophetic career, rather than recording events as they happened. (Jer. 25:1-3; 36:1, 4, 32) The book is not in chronological order because Jeremiah arranged many parts of it according to subject. Thus, you should find it useful to get an overview of the historical backdrop of the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations and the order in which events occurred. Note the chart on page 19. Your knowing who was king of Judah at what point and, in some cases, what was going on in and around Judah will enable you to understand better what Jeremiah said or did. And you will be better prepared to benefit from God’s messages for His people as proclaimed by Jeremiah.

