it-1 p. 238 Babylon

In 620 B.C.E. he compelled Jehoiakim to pay tribute, but after about three years Jehoiakim revolted. In 618 B.C.E., or during Jehoiakim’s THIRD YEAR AS TRIBUTARY RULER, Nebuchadnezzar came against Jerusalem. (2Ki 24:1; 2Ch 36:6)


The year 618 BCE would be the 11th year of Jehoiakim's rulership not his 3rd year as tributary to Nebuchadnezzar.
Jehoiakim became subject to Nebuchadnezzar when Nebuchadnezzar defeated Pharoah Necho at the Battle of Charchemish. That battle took place in the 4th year of Jehoiakim's rulership. Three years later would be the 7th year of Jehoiakim's rulership - that is Jehoiakim's THIRD YEAR AS TRIBUTARY RULER to Nebuchadnezzar. That 7th year of Jehoiakim would be 622 BCE by your own dates, not 618 BCE. Is this why you have put the year 628 BCE in the place where 624 BCE is? So you can suggest that Jehoiakim's rule started around 622 BCE and then say that from the point of view of someone in Babylon this year would be 620 BCE?


